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Nov 21, 2011

Placement Tips& Interview Guide: Resume writing secrets[V2.0] , Resume notes and Sample resumes

Hi friends,

            Resume, As the name suggests, the process of a great career begins with building an all-round resume relevant to the industry. Academics & scores in college are necessary pointers for anybody to take the plunge in the corporate world but what the corporate world looks at is an all round personality in a candidate.

          Here I shared some of materials which is useful to create a good resume.and also here i attached some of sample resumes and resume template.Please make use of this and also share with your friends.

  1. Resume writing secrets  V 2.0[.exe] :  Click here to download
  2. Resume writing Notes                      :  Click here to download
  3. Basic resume model-template           :  Click here to download
  4. Sample Resumes                              :  Click here to download

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